Meet Our Shefs

Shef Bold Flavor- Once reprimanded by her father at age 16 to "Bridle her eating passions," has finally renounced her dependance on fast food dollar menus. (Feb. 22, 2011 was the last day she ever ate Taco Bell). Motivated desperately by a desire NOT to start, or be dependent on medications her whole life, found that indeed, food is her medicine, and medicine her food as Hippocrates said.

Shef Lemon Zest has been going on a journey this past year to discover more about food and its power. She continues learning and making steps to achieve her health goals. Her favorite foods are fresh guacamole, salsa, black beans, good peanut butter, bananas, watermelon, and spinach salads! She's becoming more happy and feeling more in control of her well-being than ever before with much help and encouragement from her sisters. In her spare time, Shef Lemon Zest likes reading articles about topics of food consumption in America and finding delicious recipes on Pinterest. She is known by her coworkers as someone who brings "strange" things for lunch and is a firm believer of  "When you know better, you do better."

Shef Molly Brown had been over weight her whole life. While she "tried" a lot of diets, she never had the will power to stick with any of them-- That is until she was introduced to the idea of eating! Yes, eating as much yummy food as she wanted. She ate foods full of flavor, nutrients and energy... She's enjoying an American Plant Diet! While she has a lot to learn, and a long ways to go, she has hope for the first time in her life that she will obtain the healthy body nature intends her to have. Being a medical professional has shown her first hand the consequences of a unhealthy diet and lifestyle. She quotes a smart person, "Food can be the greatest source of medicine or the slowest form of poison."

Shef Betty Baker wants to eat more plants, it makes sense to her. Yet she finds it a challenge to learn new tricks! Shef Betty Baker has been to every eShefe' event to watch and learn. Even the one that didn't work out because of a rainstorm. That's dedication! All Shefs are rooting for her to succeed!

Shef Yummy in the Tummy began her search for a healthy diet, well, ever since the day she was born. All roads lead her to one place: The "Whole-foods, low fat, plant based diet." She is our wealth of knowledge and the continuing finder of important, relevant, applicable information. If you asked her any question about any type of diet and what it will do for, or against you, chances are, she knows!

What's your Shef name and story?

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