A Quote of Wisdom

Shef Yummy in the Tummy 

has a degree with an emphasis in Health Science
  and is  
an avid exerciser 
 leaving the other Shefs in the dust! 

While she's exercised most of her life, when she added
 healthy food,
 she found greater
 health and healing.

When asked what she recommends for starting to get healthy:
exercise or eating right first?

Shef Yummy in the Tummy said,
"I would probably say start eating better...then once you start eating better then feeling better, it won't be such a burden to start exercising more."
"To start exercising, I say start by committing to go outside each day for a stroll...let it build on it's own...it probably will."

Shef Bold Flavor

Starts with eating healthy foods.
It's her medicine for mental, and physical health :)

Shef Betty Baker

can pack an hour of cardio in her busy day.
Sweeeet Sweat!
She's working in the healthy food as she can!

Are you ready to transition?

Watch a video of one man's transition here.

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